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97 trans am WS6 need help please!

Started by walterpowelljr, February 06, 2010, 04:46:59 PM

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I could drive as far as I wanted some hesitation on hills but if I killed the car for 30 to 45 minutes when I would take off I was having bad hesitation and it always recovered after 1 to 2 minutes...I replaced pcv valve and i had the fuel filter replaced yesterday, right after having the fuel filter  replaced there was hesitation and the mechanic couldn't pull out of bay. So he ran a fuel test and it was 25 instead of 45/ he said I needed a fuel normal it recovered in 1-2 minutes and  then I had no more hesitation...I drove and parked it several times today with no hesitation..I also noticed on the Ram Air that it was not snugg and flow was not correct and I fixed that and recharged filter...It is running great now!! My question is could the the fuel system just needed to recover from trash after replacing filter and that be why I am no longer having problems? I don't want to put a pump on if it's not needed..Any help would be appreciated...

Karen :)


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